Monday, September 19, 2022

Imagine We Still Had VHS: Burn-Up W (and Burn Up Morton, IL)

 *This blog post was started on September 16, 2022.

It is actually getting late for me this Friday. As always, I air fry some wings to watch "AEW Rampage". When I have to be back at the retailer at 7:30 am, a 10 pm stop time means that I would be wise to hit the bong and call it a night. But my belly is just settling down by then.

Again, time management is not my strongest skill. Groceries and a haircut came after work and I cleaned up my apartment a bit, but aside from getting my My Faction award for today from "WWE 2K22", it feels that I just lost three hours. That is kind of depressing. This leaves me wondering if I will be able to type out a well written review for 1996's "Burn Up W".

Granted, "Burn Up W" was one of my first favorite anime series when I first got nerdy about this style of animation. The first volume (This was a 30-35 minute OVA series released one episode at a time), "Skin Dive" was a great entry point to capture my fellow Morton High School classmates curiosity. Too bad they were sex-driven teenagers. I showed them "Neon Genesis Evangelion" afterwards, but that somehow did not grab their attention.

After watching "Clerks 3" this past Tuesday, my disdain for the town keeps amassing. Thank the gods that the town cannot possibly have a social gathering on Sundays.

Fucking Apostolic Christians. This faith is kind of for wusses. They make their women cover all of their legs with skirts, but why the ladies allow for that is beyond me. Show me an Apostolic suicide bomber, and I may take them seriously. When I shout all that, it does not surprise me that half of my friends were treating anime like issues of "Playboy". It was a dirty window into another world. They were not interested in philosophy. Why question the dominant faith in a town where most of them were in the one-percent?

Despite my mocking of these "good" Christians, ironically the town's traditions means that I will miss the Pumpkin Festival when I return Sunday to pick up my replacement Apple Watch. The theme was a tribute to the 1980's. If you do not have VH-1's budget, do not try it. For fuck sake, it will probably be a Reagan circle jerk and calls to vote for the women-hating fascist Darren Bailey.

If a town made for the one percent wants to celebrate the Eighties, cocaine better have been flowing through the streets the last three days. At least do one thing right.

And I thought I was not going to be able to give you any insight into my mind this week. Just thinking about how the town does not appreciate art brings it out of me. Aside from not appreciating art, they do not appreciate their fellow man. Thus, why "Clerks 3" further hurt me. A village came to make Kevin Smith's a name in indie cinema, but fuck Russ Stevens and his dreams. If they are not about encouraging the importance of lessons about states' rights in the 1860's, they are worthless.

Now I think my vitriol about my hometown is seemingly obsessive. There was an easier transition to my thoughts about the adventures of Tokyo City's premier, all-female police strike force. In high school, I had developed a third anime website dedicated to kick ass, overly sexualized women. There was nothing too crazy about the "Iria: Zeiram the Animation" side of it, but when it came to "Burn Up W", I had Duran Duran midis playing in the background that were dedicated to each episode. The main protagonist is named Rio after all.

Pardon me for just focusing on the best things about the decade of my birth instead of how my hometown will fuck that up.