Golden Boy is another one of the first titles that I had heard about when I first got interested in anime. It did take about a year and a half for me to finally work up the nerve to purchase this tape. When the box has a chick with erect nipples on the front, I didn't want people to thing I got interested in anime for the hentai which this title is not.
Yes, the girls seem to be what the creators want the public to be interested in first, but that is only half of this series's fun. The situations the main character gets into is actually the most important concept about the series. Some of the scenarios don't seem like they'd work well, so I don't plan on getting a few of the episodes (2, 3, 5), but otherwise viewing
Golden Boy tape is a must.

As for technical qualities I've seen better animation, music, dubbing (its not that bad, but Kintaro's voice can get annoying), but there are some very effective (and unfortunately some very ineffective) art work. Of course these categories shouldn't be the series biggest draws, the comedy is. If you like the Fahrely Brother's movies, you'll love this humor.

Meet Kintaro Oe. He's a 25 year-old mountain bike riding freeter (a person who only specializes in part time jobs) who dropped out of college despite having enough credits to receive a law degree. As he is heading to his next job at TN Software, he has a bike accident with one of the scariest and sexiest woman he's ever seen. Despite he was in the middle of the road and listening to headphones, the women gives him money to pay for any damage ($10,000). When he finally arrives at the job he gets a chance to meet the president of the company...again, and is immediately put on toilet cleaning duty which he doesn't consider to be that bad since its an all female company. Wanting to learn how to program, he agrees to work for free just to prove what he can do. Now its a race to see who will go nuts first, Madam President or Kintaro.
It does seem to start out slow, but we immediately accept that Kintaro is just a perverted nice guy who we can sympathize with (at least from the male perspective). Once we get to the TN scenes, the real comedy begins to pick up. Maybe I enjoyed it more than others will because of the time I put into computers, but I guarantee that some of the comedy is so funny that you will try not to listen to it because it's so funny it'll hurt.
There isn't to much to the plot, so it fits into 30 minutes pretty well. It lack of emotional depth doesn't hurt it. I guess all the emotional aspects (despite they're very few) that make up Kintaro make up for this. As for a supporting cast there isn't much, but the character of the president works very well with how cold she is, and her dynamic change at the end despite how unlikely it should have been seems to work well. When it comes to animation, the thoughts of Kintaro and the actions of the presidents...I mean president are drawn to their funniest. All and all
Golden Boy is a great video to own, and nothing about it will disappoint you.
Goldenboy © 1995 TATSUYA EGAWA / Sheisha - KSS
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