Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Imagine We Still Had VHS - Hellsing (TV Series) - Volume 1

*Highlighted portions of the blog post were written on September 18, 2020. The rest of the blog was composed on September 2, 2020

It feels like a pretty prolific week in terms of blogging. My release schedule is filled up to October 1. I think trying to finish the "Chris Memoirs" journal may be hurting my intros to the blogs, but that only looks bad if your scrolling through the past blogs.

This may mean I should just use my hosting space to actually develop a web page to avoid maineventofthedead.com opening a bunch of browser tabs, but I do not know if Windows XP era Adobe design software will work on Windows 10. I was lucky that they stuck around through Windows 7. Squarespace is not an option since I already have hosting space.

How to promote entertainment blogs efficiently. First world problems are all I have had the past couple of days. And they are:
  • @repstevensmith
  • @eaglemom2015
  • @wdunlap
  • @cardellamatt
  • @stubishop_lpd
I guess you could lump in the vocal member of classes 1996 to 1999 from Morton High School with these conservative trolls on Twitter. The cunts from Morton are probably to insecure to become one of the sociopathic Twitter twats. They realize that you got to work to earn those fake friends. It is so much easier for them to just type in your high school some barely graduated from (in the case of the wrestling teammate who was proud of his racism which god will forgive because he is opposed to abortion) or those that need to be friendly enough with to sell cars to (in the case of the racist homophobe with an inferiority complex who blames the victims when it comes police brutality).

Some people just want you to be realistic. I had shared a meme that touted how Barack Obama had given us affordable healthcare, constant improvement in the job market, and saved us from the great recession. A person responded with the rise in immigrant detentions, drone strikes, and inequality growth that happened during his presidency. My response was to tell them why that happened and how he brilliantly responded (DACA, troop reduction, and healthcare costing him chances to fix the problem that the rich are). In addition, since Trump had made all of points worse, why do you want us not to think of better times?

I can ignore high school sucking hard. I had wrestling and was team captain on top of that. Bruce Springsteen wrote about the attitude in "Glory Days".

Wrestling and an anime collection allowed me to survive my hometown. Then adulthood almost immediately cut the latter out of my life. I have spoken of this before. Once Toonami, Adult Swim, and IFC took over anime distribution, every kind of release came out in season box sets. College classes and jobs did not allow me to watch the content as it aired stateside, so I could not sample the content before making a decision to buy. It felt like the cost of getting away from Morton, Illinois was half of my sanity.

Fortunately, my little brother was borrowing DVD's from friends, so I occasionally got lucky and caught an intriguing enough series. Thus, "Hellsing", my introduction to Gonzo studio and their standard too harsh for run after "Cowboy Bebop" products.

Hellsing - Episodes 1-3

Ceres Victoria had just started her career in the London Police Service's Division D11 tactical force when an assignment in Cheddar had lead to her entire team being wiped out by undead ghouls. It was not long before the team had also joined the undead. She escaped and ended up seeking sanctuary in a church where she met a priest, the only other person in the village that seemed to be alive. Seemed is a word to be emphasized as he quickly used vampiric powers to enchant her.

Before he gets to feed, he is confronted by a fellow vampire, Alucard who immediately makes it clear that he is more powerful and out to destroy any nosferatu who lacks a sense of decency. The priest's response is to use Victoria as a shield. Alucard decides that a shield will not deter his decision to exterminate him with a blessed bullet of a massive caliber.

There is only one concern, is the police girl willing to be killed to end this terror. Actually, the question is not if she is willing to be killed. It is whether or not she wants to stay dead. If shes chooses to become a creature of the night, the only destiny for her is to serve Alucard in the Hellsing Organization, Great Britain's Special Forces who fight all that is unholy in the name of protecting a Protestant Europe.

At this time, Europe is currently being threatened by vampires that seem to be manufactured by humans via microchips and the Vatican's Iscariot Organization, a group that is fighting the undead for the Catholic god. If Victoria knew about the politics involved in fighting evil, she might have second guessed her decision.

"Hellsing" is the most stylish vampire anime on the market, and I will venture to say that it has been that for the past 20 years. It is more of an action anime than a horror one, but provides the gore and humor in doses that should amuse anyone with a fascination of this breed of undead.

The first episode is nearly perfect and the animation quality is outstanding. Of course, that was probably the pilot, and the explosive colors are not as prevalent in the later episodes. Also, the series does jump around tone wise when it comes to character interactions. Episode one seems to be a straight forward narrative, as is the third. Its middle episode introduces some overly sexualized and foul-mouthed characters, so it feels overly broad in who it is intended for.

All of the stories are solid despite the tonal swings. It is also fun to see modern politics being brought in like the protestant and catholic dynamic. In terms of what the series will tackle, the series establishes that no subject matter will be off limits, but all will be done tastefully despite the crimson spilt.

It is fun to see how all the unique characters, who all have subtle comical elements, will deal with all the challenges that they will face and the contemporary soundtrack fits in nicely. If it was a little more consistent in how the stories would be presented, it would be a near perfect anime.

"Hellsing" is the vampire anime. It is accessible to any fan of anime and will please those of either vampire genre, action or horror. These first three episode are also fun because you get to witness the process of the TV show determining what it is going to be, loud and brash or subtle and charming. This element only encourages the audience to at least stick with it for another three episode disc.

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