Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Iczer Girl Iczelion - Robots Present Sailor Moon for #WrestlingTwitter

 *This blog post was started on January 25, 2022.

Iczer Girl Iczelion - Robots Present Sailor Moon for #WrestlingTwitter

I would say, "Imagine We Still Had VHS", but there are cases when the tape is present. After recording three podcasts in one week for " The #Podcast", somehow seeing that my 10 year-old tape deck still works well almost seems as productive.

My former bank job can say what they want, but I did not waste any of my time while I was there. They knew from my resume that I was a certified website designer. Imagine what I could have done for them if they actually encouraged us to help the bank.

The toughest thing in my life is having an extra day off, and having to wake up early for interviews on those days. It sucks that the afternoon interview I had scheduled today (1/26/22) which required me to take on an early morning interview cancelled it at the last minute, but at least I know my day off will be clear. An email was sent to advise me of the cancellation. Ironically, a rescheduled time was implied. Of course, the time they wanted was the same as the morning interview.

Eva and a format older than her.

The job loss is still on my mind a lot. IDES did not advise me that the interview for me to further state my case that I was fired for convenience rather than misconduct was going to be forgotten. Let it be known that I did fax over my appeal on January 19. All I want is the $604 the state said I initially qualified for. And that is the total of all benefits I think I am owed. My retailer has been great to me, so I cannot qualify for anything beyond those two weeks after I was fired.

I kind of want to hear back from the Illinois Department of Employment Security so I can be free to try move on and possibly burn (figuratively) my former exploiters down.

Nothing ever feels complete. Well, my life every other day does. Where do you go when you were a member of the Chicago Cubs (organization), had a video game made (knowledge can be greater than credit), and cockblocked Billy Corgan (or was it a clam jam not need further legal issues)? B-Fest I hope. That should keep me around for the next month.

What I was trying to do was transition to my anime review. "Iczelion" is a two-episode OVA which promises you a lot more. A radio play (sound novel) followed this, but is that supposed to quench the wants of the fans of this series? Or maybe it was just a played out nostalgia trip to male "Sailor Moon" fans who just watched it for more vivid transformation animations.

Iczer Girl Iczelion (1995)

Nagisa is not your average Japanese high school girl. She does not really want be in school. With the success of performers like Riho, pro-wrestling is something she thinks you need to get into as soon as you can. Unfortunately, her parents forded this, and perhaps they knew their daughter well enough because she is about to find out that violence is something she may not be up for.

As she is jogging to class, a menacing robot seemingly attacks a train. After the robot fires its weapon, Nagisa is transported to another dimension where she meets Iczel, a feminine robot and living suit of armor. It turns out that Iczel was the target of the attacker, and that they have swapped dimensions to fight that assailant off.

Before Nagisa knows what is happening, Iczel has transformed into her armor. Instinctually, she decides to skip Iczel's command to use her lasers and attacks the foe with some Joshi stylings. It works, but soon the Cybernetic Warlord Cross appears to challenge her. After the puroresu fails to harm her, Nagisa cannot handle the need for combat and retreats, leaving Iczel behind. Fortunately, Earth has three other Iczel that have found hosts in a pop idol, a night club dancer, and another high schooler. 

It turns out the Iczels are here because Cross and her older brother Chaos are out to destroy the universe one planet at a time, solely to prove their superiority. Only a combination of an Iczel and a human woman can possibly stand a chance against them. The most immediate problem is, Nagisa's Iczel is not as powerful as the other three. She is certain Nagisa is the hero who will make her as powerful as the rest. Can Nagisa overcome her fears and take up the responsibility of protecting the human race.

"Iczer Girl Iczelion" lays out a great template for an interesting take on the magical girl franchise. Too bad focusing on nude transformation and up-skirt shots cannot sell many episodes.

The series may take itself too seriously at a lot of points. Iczel is essentially Luna, but sadly Nagisa is not Usagi. There is no humor to her whining about needing to be a hero, so it just gets annoying. We do not get to know the rest of the supporting cast outside of their battles, so it all feels rushed and shallow. On top of that, Original Video Animation is sold to American audiences as equal to theatrical animation. This is not the case. The design and movement is not bad, but it does not flush it out enough to be outstanding.

What is great is the soundtrack. This is the J-Pop from my teens that made me want to buy the tunes while Animenation was still selling Taiwanese bootlegs. Placed with robot and night club imagery, it seemed to offer everything I could want from a Japanese cartoon. These elements allowed me to still enjoy the tape despite all of the flaws. I think I may have just been in a mood for a trip back in time before all of this adulthood bullshit.

"Iczelion" could have used better writing, but pro-wrestling, nude girls, robots, and great tunes grabbed my attention. It is a fun hour if you do not take it too seriously, but you are not going to be disappointed that their is not an additional hour to amuse you. At least it does not beat you over the head with the perversion like "Knights of Ramune" or "Agent Aika". I can appreciate some fan service, but I do not want to pay for shame.

Skimble showing the appropriate response to this OVA

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